the last century, the instrumentation of analytical chemistry has dramatically
changed. Advances in classical analytical setups, developments of new devices and
applications of new measurement principles allow the acquisition of more
information about an analytical problem in a shorter time. Faster working
equipments and the parallelizing of devices enable measurements of more samples
making in depth examinations of complex systems possible. State of the art
devices allow the acquisition of more detailed information about samples by
utilizing more wavelengths or additional sensors. Finally yet importantly, new
measurement principles such as time-resolved measurements render the access to
new sources of information possible.
constantly increasing flood of information puts a new challenge to the field of
data analysis, which can be considered as the link between the raw information
provided by the instrumentation and the questions to be answered for the analyst.
Being so universal the data analysis has many facets in the different areas of
analytical chemistry such as qualitative analysis, quantitative analysis, optimization
problems, identification of significant factors and many more. The diversity of
data analysis for analytically relevant questions is also reflected in a number
of different names for the same discipline like chemometrics, chem(o)informatics,
bioinformatics, biometrics, environmetrics, and data mining.
work covers a wide variety of aspects of data analysis for chemical sensor
systems ranging from the introduction and optimization of new measurement
procedures to the preprocessing of the raw sensor signals and from the
calibration of the sensors to the identification of important factors. Being
interconnected and thus influencing each other, all these aspects have to be considered
when setting up a sensor system for a certain analytical task. However, the
main objectives of this work can be subsumed into two focuses.
first focus is the introduction and optimization of kinetic measurements in
chemical sensing. Thereby the effect is exploited that different analytes show
different kinetics of sorption into the sensor coatings. This allows access to
a completely new domain of information compared with commonly used measurement
procedures of chemical sensing. The new approach of time-resolved measurements uses
the kinetic information of the sensor responses not for the investigation of
the interaction kinetics of the analytes with the sensor coatings but for the
quantitative determination of several analytes in mixtures. In contrast to some
rare reports found in literature, which use the kinetic information as a given
phenomenological effect to improve the multi-analyte quantification, a
systematic investigation of the principles of time-resolved measurements is
performed in this work. Thereby different aspects are investigated such as the
interaction principles, the optimization of the measurement parameters, the
relationships between the time-resolved sensor responses and the analytes, the
transfer of the measurement principles to different setups and to different
analytes and many more. This systematic investigation demonstrates that the
principle of time-resolved measurements forms the basis for a simultaneous
quantification of several analytes by single sensor systems. It is furthermore
shown that sensor arrays also profit from this approach by the possibility of
identifying and quantifying more analytes than before for a given sensor array
setup. Consequently, this approach generally allows the reduction of the number
of sensors resulting in smaller devices and less costs for the hardware. The
systematic investigation also demonstrates that the principle is a very
powerful and generic approach not limited to the setups, analytes, and
interaction principles used in this study.
large amount and the complexity of the data generated by time-resolved measurements
necessitate the second focus of this work, which is the application and
optimization of natural computing methods for the data analysis of sensors. The
expression "natural computing" primarily refers to two concepts of
computing copied from nature. The concept of neural networks has been inspired
by the highly interconnected neural structures in the brain and the nervous
system of mammals, whereas the concept of genetic algorithms has been inspired
by the evolution in biology. For the data analysis in this study, the neural
networks are used for the calibration of the data. It is demonstrated in this
work that only the neural networks out of many multivariate calibration methods
are capable of calibrating the nonlinear relationship between the sensor
responses and the concentrations of the different analytes. Genetic algorithms
are applied for the identification and selection of significant factors
respectively variables and thus for the optimization of the calibration. Yet,
it is shown that an often-reported combination of both concepts is faced with
several problems with respect to the limited number of measurements. Thus, several
frameworks are developed, implemented and optimized in this work, which use
data sets limited in size in a very efficient way. These frameworks contain
neural networks for the calibration, genetic algorithms respectively growing
neural networks for the selection of significant variables and additional
procedures and approaches from statistics and chemometrics for significance
test. These new frameworks are designed to fulfill the needs of analytical
chemistry such as a high performance of data analysis, an easy application of
the algorithms, a portability to a wide range of data sets and devices, an
insight into the models built, an identification of important factors, a high
robustness to noise in the data and the ability to cope with data sets limited
in size. The frameworks are applied to several data sets, which were recorded
by different devices in our laboratory. Two data sets have an environmental
background based on the recycling of old refrigerants of air-conditioners and refrigerators.
Additionally, the homologous series of the lower alcohols was measured several
times allowing a systematic investigation of the time-resolved measurements. For
all data sets under investigation, the frameworks show excellent results for
calibration and variable selection. The frameworks also demonstrate that there
are several possibilities to tweak the time-resolved measurements with respect
to measurement time, properties of the sensitive layers, carrier gas and much
more. The frameworks developed in this work are not limited to the calibration
and optimization of sensor data, but can be used for virtually any multivariate